Evidently, some Facebook product feed errors seem to regularly appear more than than others. So what errors to avert when uploading your production feed to Facebook Itemize this year? Well, this article is a compiled list of the most mutual errors for Facebook in 2021 that Shopify merchants should never echo.

What is a Facebook product feed?

A product feed , as known as a Facebook data feed, is a file of a spreadsheet that holds all your products and all related data in it.

Via that data feed, you can update a large number of your items' attributes such as titles, descriptions, stocks ,… at once to Facebook Catalogue. And so:

Product Feed = Data Feed = DATA

What does a Facebook product feed error crusade?

Bluntly speaking, when information technology comes to Facebook feed errors, even though they are sometimes merely small typo mistakes will still atomic number 82 to being rejected on Facebook Shop, and you lot will lose loads of traffic solar day past day.

Your feed won't be displayed if it got an error

Your feed won't be displayed if it got an error

For that reason, nosotros've compiled all the nigh common Facebook data feed errors that Shopify merchants might accept made, and how to fix them virtually finer in this commodity. Let's check it out.

Most common Facebook product feed errors

Missing/ Invalid Required Fields

When uploading a Shopify product feed to Facebook Shop, some fields are required by the platform with no exception:

  • ID
  • Championship
  • Clarification
  • Stock/ Availability
  • Cost
  • Link to product
  • Make name
  • Images link

Missing or invalid a required field is one of the most common Facebook product feed errors

Missing or invalid a required field is 1 of the nearly common Facebook product feed errors

Depending on what item types that y'all're selling, you might have to fill in other information such as Quantity, Category, Size,… So just make sure y'all fill up in as much information equally possible.

To not miss any field, you tin can take a expect at this listing of required fields from Facebook .

Otherwise, hither are some regular Facebook feed errors that you might have seen somewhere:

Missing/ Invalid Epitome Link:

1. Missing image link:

Pretty sure, your production is not having any image at the moment.

To fix this, you volition need to add at to the lowest degree one image for each detail in your Facebook data feed to make sure when you run Facebook Itemize ads, customers will pay attention more to your products.

Additionally, there are expert tips to write better Facebook ads so that yous won't exist missing any sales opportunities.

two. Invalid paradigm link:

This happens when some of your epitome URLs from the Shopify production feed is currently not available to use on Facebook Catalog, so pay attention to the formats:

  • Image must exist JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF format, maximum 8MB.
  • The size is non too big or also small.
  • Epitome links should beginning with "http://" or "https://"

Also, don't forget that at that place are different ratios and pixels for each channel:

For Facebook feed, Instagram feed, and multi-images ads blazon: Square ratio (1:1), minimum 500×500 pixels.

– Otherwise with single image ads type: A niggling different in ratio at 1.91:ane, minimum 500×500 pixels.

If your epitome doesn't encounter those mistakes to a higher place, just re-check if your image link is not cleaved or non being taken down somewhere.

You lot'll oftentimes see this instance when getting photos from unauthorized sources on the net, so in lodge to fix it just exam the link with your browser earlier updating it to the Facebook Feed.

Instance: R ight URL format: https://socialhead.io/ | Incorrect URL format: socialhead.io

Add at least one image for each item of your product feed

Add at to the lowest degree one prototype for each item of your product feed

3. Boosted images in an particular

Indeed, the Facebook feed allows you to add up to 20 extra image URLs in an detail, only y'all must identify them with commas in between.

EXAMPLE : https://socialhead.io/ , https://socialhead.io/blog/ ,…

Missing/ Invalid Descriptions

one. Missing descriptions:

The description column in your data feed is likewise a required field when syncing from the Shopify product feed to Facebook Catalog.

A description is also a required field on Facebook Catalog

A description is too a required field on Facebook Catalog

2. Invalid descriptions:

Certain introduction lines with your product details included would make a perfect clarification . Here to recall:

  • The clarification must be related info with item titles/ images.
  • Contain specific info near the item (design, textile, size…)
  • Clear, readable, legit.
  • The limitation of length: Up to v,000 characters.
3. Other clarification errors:

Don't use all capital letter messages for your description, Facebook will consider it's a spam. In brief, just stick with these tips for your description:

  • A plain, regular text with no specific formatting options.
  • The description should not comprise whatever HTML or URLs
  • Don't stuff lots of icons or punctuation marks
  • No personal information (phone number, personal email, home address,…)

A readable description with no special symbols will help you get approval status

A readable description with no special symbols will assist you go approval condition

EXAMPLE : Right Description Format: Brand new Apple iPhone 11, half dozen.1 inches display, manufactured in 2019, 128GB Night blue. Superior scratch protection and a i-year warranty provided. | Wrong Description Format: BRAND NEW Apple tree IPHONE 11, 6.ane inches display in dark blue color. CALL +018xxxx NOW!!!

Missing Names/ Titles

one. Missing Names/ Titles:

You must make full in the Proper noun/ Title for each item on your Facebook Itemize feed.

ii. Other typo errors:

Your production Name/ Title should follow Facebook information Feed rules precisely:

  • Title/ Name should stay related to your items (Don't overstuff Sale Tags like "fifty% off" or "Hot picked" sort of words on it).
  • Limit length: 150 characters.

Too much keyword stuffing title won't be allowed on Facebook Catalog.

Also much keyword stuffing title won't exist allowed on Facebook Catalog

  • Do non use all uppercase letters (This might lead to spam detection from Facebook Catalog).

Title and description should not be in all uppercase letters

Title and description should not be in all upper-case letter messages

  • Don't include special symbols simply to await cool, such as 💥💗➯, they will not display the way you thought.
  • Be careful of grammatical and spelling mistakes.

Example : Right Title/ Name Format: LV floral T-shirt for men | Wrong Championship/ Name Format: LV TEE IN FLORAL Print, TO Defenseless YOUR Daughter Attending!!

Missing/ Wrong Prices

i. Missing prices:

Undoubtedly, when an item doesn't have a price tag, it won't catch customers' involvement. For that reason, go ahead and add together a price tag to every item on your Facebook product feed.

2. Incorrect prices:

It is not near your cost is too high or also low, just the Facebook Catalog product feed won't accept these

  • Wrong currency format: Don't use symbols, stick with the country currency code instead.

The correct currency format: [Number] + [Space] + [iii-letter currency code]

Just to be sure, take a look at these unlike ISO 4217 Currency Codes to input the right ones for your products.

  • Prices should be matched with the prices on your main web store.
  • Do non incorporate Sale Tags or any marketing content (like "Free Aircraft" or "Mega Sale").
  • Use "indicate" (.) to carve up numbers, not "comma" (,)

EXAMPLE: Right toll format : 1.99 USD or 1.99 EUR | Wrong price format : 1.99$ or ane,99€

Missing/ Duplicated Items or Missing/ Duplicated IDs:

"Products can't be added past multiple data feeds"

That is the Facebook feed error that we're talking nearly. In fact, you can upload as many Shopify production feed to Facebook as possible, but make sure that none of the items appear in more one feed.

Here is how yous tin fix this:

  • You should proceed the detail in the original feed file that yous've uploaded for the first time, and so delete that duplicated particular in your new-uploaded feeds.
  • Upgrade your current product feed source rather than upload a new one to Catalog.

Ane item can only be added to i data feed

One item can only be added to one data feed

1 item can only be added to ane data feed

If yous find information technology hard to re-upload the feed again and over again across Facebook Itemize, Socialshop is a tool that will assistance yous do all the editing and updating feed things without leaving the app, cause the app has nerveless all your products in one identify to manage.

Missing Universal IDs:

Accordingly to Facebook, if your "Universal IDs are missing", which means these fields from your feed file will need to be filled in:

Brand proper noun brand
Global Trade Identification Number GTIN
Manufacturer Function Number mpn

To be exact, these identified pieces of information are used to define your products on global marketplaces, then you can target correctly the correct customers every bit a result of that.

HTML Formats Isn't Support

Simply like other marketplaces, Facebook Itemize requires the right size and format of your feed, to make sure it displays correctly as you desire, here are the brief:

  • Data feed file formats: CSV, TSV, XML (RSS/Cantlet), or a downloadable Google sheet.
  • One-fourth dimension-uploaded feed size: Up to 100MB
  • Scheduled feed size: Upward to 8GB
  • Large compressed feed file size: Up to thirty GB in Aught/ GZIP formats only.

If your product feed files are larger than 4GB, yous should divide them into small pieces to increment uploading speed, moreover, it's easier for you lot to rail things.

Invalid Information Feed File Location

Your information feed file couldn't exist accessed / Bad request

When y'all receive these Facebook feed errors below, that's when Facebook Itemize couldn't reach your data feed sources:

  • "Your information feed file could not exist accessed"
  • "Failed to connect with the FTP server"
  • "Fetching feed from HTTP server failed"

Error in Facebook data feed URLs is the most common one

Error in Facebook data feed URLs is the most common one

So here are things that you should bank check out and gear up:

  • Your URL might be wrong in format or atomic number 82 to a broken website: In order to fix information technology, only test if your URL is having 404 (Page Non Found) or 503 (Service Unavailable) errors or non.

Make sure your URL links aren't down

Make sure your URL links aren't down

  • The URL should non be a website link, or pb to whatsoever generic page from your site such as production pages, pricing page, Facebook page,…
  • If yous get "HTTP authentication failed" or "HTTP bad request error": R echeck your username and countersign. The reason is more often than not that you typed them incorrect, or your browser has auto-filled your login info incorrectly.

How to fix your Facebook production feed errors?

There are some means for fixing such errors for Facebook product feed. Therefore, you can make up one's mind which method is the virtually suitable choice for your concern.

Practice the fixing manually

After spotting your Facebook feed errors, simply update your source file details so upload that data feed file dorsum to your Catalogue:

1. Open up your edited product feed file

2. Get to Commerce Manager > Catalogue > Data Sources

Facebook Commence Manager

iii. Click in the product feed that needs to exist updated

4. Select the Settings tab .

Data sources

5. And so, coil downwards till you see the Single Upload tab, y'all tin choose to upload via file or URL.

Go through the settings to avoid Facebook product feed errors

vi. Finally, upload your new data feed file.

That'south how you fix your product data feed error manually, but only in case you don't want to spring dorsum and forth edit every single details, which sometimes might cause annoyance and time-wasting, here is some other solution for you:

Fixing Facebook product feed errors in one place only, with Socialshop

Whenever an error shows up on your data feed, you might need to fix your original file again and once more. Clearly, no 1 wants to waste too much time on a single canvas, that's why Socialshop solution for Facebook feed errors is a tool that helps you point out all the mistakes fast.

Tracking, optimizing and syncing across Facebook Catalog with Socialshop

Tracking, optimizing, and syncing across Facebook Catalog with Socialshop

Just just in one dashboard, Socialshop allows you to:

  • Tracking which products are activated, pending, or rejected by Facebook Catalog.
  • Furthermore, y'all tin can right all the Facebook feed errors correct in the app.
  • Later that, Socialshop will motorcar-update new modified feeds across Facebook for you.
  • Use "Product Scoring" and "Feed Prototype Optimization" features to brand your Feed stand out amidst competitions.

Essential features for your fully optimized Production Feeds Try for Costless!

It basically provides an all-in-one solution for your Facebook feeds. If this is your get-go time on Facebook, Socialshop volition help you set up a Folio Store from A to Z without aqueduct-hopping. Create Facebook Shop > Sync > List > Optimize, correct in the app.

Fixing Facebook Product Feed Errors is not that hard

Certainly, Facebook is always a potential marketplace in a higher place others, especially in 2021, where shopping via engineering science and smartphone is taking over sometime-schoolhouse offline stores.

To sum up, selling on social media is not that difficult if you know how to optimize effectively your Facebook product feed, thereby, keeping these pocket-tips every bit your guide to not fall backside any contest on Facebook Catalog.