No human is wise at all times. And there is no getting effectually it. Mistakes do happen, no matter the industry you're engaged in. The system went down, a client'south package is lost, the food a client ordered is delivered late, simply insert your option. Such stories are widespread in a customer service niche.

How to say information technology'southward your mistake? Plain, blurting out a trivial "Sorry!" isn't an option. Being a business owner, you probably care for customer loyalty and retention and desire your audience to stay with you equally long equally possible.

We are here to ease your distress when composing those heartfelt lines. You'll say "sorry for the inconvenience" sounding more than natural, original, and not clichéd later on reading this piece. Here information technology goes!

What is "pitiful for the inconvenience" meaning?

When you say these words, y'all repent for the mistake and the inconvenience caused by your actions (or the lack of whatever) to a client. This phrase is often overused in a customer service industry and many people interpret information technology equally "Nosotros know we messed upwards though you have to put upward with that". That's why you have to quit using this line left and right. That'southward our next finish.

Reasons to stop saying "deplorable for the inconvenience"

  1. Lack of authenticity. The phrase in question has been used since year 1 and already become cheesy. Most clients know virtually it and think a back up team may use it on autopilot even in an electronic mail broadcast. Don't do that, change the organisation!
  2. More than than an inconvenience. A client faces a poor experience, could it be worse? A brand shouldn't be sugar-coating even if the situation seems like a trifle (from a brand's perspective). At the end of the mean solar day, y'all want customer perception to be positive.
  3. Unempathetic significant. Permit'southward call a spade a spade: "sorry for the inconvenience" may sound a piffling callous. In most cases, this is true without a follow-up letter. Do you want your customers to experience similar they're treated with no respect?
  4. No urgency. One of the get-go rules of customer service is solving a client's effect ASAP. If you simply say yous're [terribly] sorry, it won't show your willingness to lend a helping manus rapidly.

To sell the thought even more, hither is a quick checklist of the things to accept into business relationship when shaping a thoughtful and clever "sorry about the inconvenience" dialogue (plus, some useful phrases to include):

  • Listen the empathy

I can meet how of import this is..

I realize all the frustration..

I would experience this fashion too..

  • Exist proactive

I am here to repent for the inconvenience we caused you..

This is [your name], I am writing to say I am distressing for the delayed response.

It's [your name] with [company name]. I run across you're having trouble with..

  • Acknowledge your mistakes

My mistake! As a token of my apology, please take..

This is all our fault. Distressing for the inconvenience!

My bad! We are on it so that information technology doesn't happen again.

  • Provide workaround

So, here are the options I retrieve fit:…

Let me provide you with an alternative:..

Would yous heed taking a await at plan B?

  • Be outgoing

In case you lot demand further clarification, drop me a line at [electronic mail accost].

Delight permit me know if there is anything else I can do for you. I am always bachelor.

Feel free to schedule a telephone call/conversation with me.

"Sorry for the inconvenience" alternatives to enrich your repertoire

Brands do apologize. However, they practise not always go with simply "We apologize for any inconvenience". The meaning is kept though, the words are different. Before we cut to the hunt here, let me set real-world examples.

Adidas was sorry after sending an email with an insensitive subject line to all Boston Marathon finishers. Conspicuously, "Congrats, you survived the Boston Marathon!" was not a pleasant thing to say on a Patriots' 24-hour interval race. The bulletin was met with pushback. Then, what were their apologies for the inconvenience? "We are incredibly lamentable", 'We securely apologize for our error".

Another example is Jeff Bezos maxim "distressing for the inconvenience" after the infamous Kindle blow. Amazon deleted copies of "1984" and "Animal Subcontract" from the users' Kindles. Two things that caught my eye here: 1) the CEO didn't limited regrets indicate-blank and 2) the finish line "With deep apology to our customers" seems whole-hearted and anarchistic.

Being a language enthusiast, I'thousand constantly on the lookout for unusual vocab and lexical expressions as information technology is. So, I want to provide yous with alternative ways of saying "sorry for the inconvenience" without actually pronouncing these words (substituting them with both formal and less formal synonyms, if you will):

  1. Please, accept my sincere apologies…
  2. How tin can I make up for the [late respond/this unsatisfying state of affairs,etc.]…
  3. I realize the situation is discomforting, I would experience information technology too…
  4. As a business, we can see how frustrating this consequence tin can be…
  5. This is unacceptable and we realize nosotros let you down.
  6. We exercise repent for the problem..
  7. I regret whatever trouble yous may accept faced with the system…
  8. On behalf of our squad, I would similar to make amends for [the issue]..
  9. It's our bad and we do understand that! Let us notice another solution…
  10. Your [result] is already taken care of. Mea culpa!
  11. I want to extend my sincerest apologies for…
  12. Nosotros deeply regret this incident..
  13. This is quite a situation. Every bit a token of amends, we are…
  14. We screwed up! The weather and our horoscopes are to blame!
  15. Every bit a way to enquire for your forgiveness, we're offering…
  16. This was an annoying slip-upwardly on our function and we are lamentable.
  17. Nosotros shouldn't have done that. The mistake is 100% ours.
  18. We're extremely grieved that … And to make it up to yous nosotros..
  19. I offering you an apology for the discomfort you may have faced …
  20. Huge apologies to y'all as our loyal and much-valued client.

Sometimes when things go south, all you tin offer to a customer is your sincere apology. But y'all have to do that right. The most important thing is to be creative, stay professional, and not to lose your nervus (or at to the lowest degree try to do that).

Quick notation!

The bad and the adept means to say "deplorable for the inconvenience" which yous will want to write on a postal service-it 👇🏻

Do Non say that! Do say that!
Distressing, can't help information technology.. Huge apologies for this fine misunderstanding…
To be honest, I take no clue how to handle this, so sorry I understand y'all completely! Let me provide several alternatives…
It's non my department, why don't you go ask another i? If I were y'all, I would be frustrated too! Let me loop my colleague from another squad in. He/she will help!
What part of "distressing" in "I am sad" didn't you empathize? Let me highlight again that it'south our bad but we're on to information technology to solve the issue faster.
Pity and we are sorry for the inconvenience! I am on the same folio with you here. Could y'all please provide some details…
Pitiful for the inconvenience! Is it working now? Thank you so much for your patience! The effect is completely taken care of.
We regret whatsoever inconvenience this may cause you… Thanks for bringing this up to united states of america, mea culpa! Give us some time to get onto this..

x customer service situations to say "Sorry for the inconvenience"

In the eye of the moment, information technology's piece of cake to surrender on all the courtesy and professional preparation. With that in mind, we've come up with possible customer service scenarios and included all the culling ways to say yous are deplorable.

You can use these templates in live chat, electronic mail, or even telephone interactions and mix them upwards with the synonym expressions I provided in a higher place. Too, you can insert these in a give thanks you for gild newsletter, if things went south. Ace your next "We apologize for the inconvenience" talk and always call back of the right words:

one. Poor client service

Honey [ customer name ],

On behalf of [ company proper name ], I want to extend my sincerest apologies for the negative experience that you had with our customer service agent.

I realize that [ amanuensis'due south name ] was [ unhelpful/rude/unprofessional/etc. ] in solving the outcome. Your frustration at having not been properly directed to a supervisor is completely understandable.

At [ company proper noun ], we pride ourselves on going the actress mile day by day to ensure that our customers' needs are being met to the full. I know that we have allow you down. We are really pitiful for that.

Nosotros do our all-time to train each of our representatives on how to properly handle our customers' issues.

Thanks for bringing this event upwardly to our attention. We are always looking for means to better our service, and your feedback is highly valued.

Should you need help in the future, please exercise not hesitate to contact me directly.


[ Agent's name ]

two. Delayed commitment

Dear [ client name ],

I regret any trouble you may have experienced with our commitment service and the package you've ordered from us this [ day of week ].

As you lot are our loyal customer, we want you to be the first to know that at that place is a new supply this week. You will receive a message from us when the items are available to order.

Please suggest united states of america on whether y'all would like to cancel your order or have united states ship a new bundle in one case it becomes available.

Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

Best wishes,

[ Agent'south name ]

3. Billing issues

Dear [customer proper noun] ,

Hope yous are doing well. We do apologize for the problem apropos our billing system and the amount charged previously. Our best agent is already taking care of your consequence and will get back to y'all with the solution.

To improve your experience, we [ extend the trial menstruation/ offer a discount, etc. ]. Kindly consider the information in the attachment.

Feel free to attain out to me in case you need any help.

Best regards,

[ Agent'south name ]

4. Refund request

Dear [ client's name ],

Delight, accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience you had experienced with the states recently. It's shocking given that we devote actress attending to every customer and transaction.

Our squad has taken steps to narrow down the causes of this mistake and found out that [ tell the crusade of the error without getting into specifics ]. This is our bad and we take full responsibleness.

To fix the state of affairs, we will provide you with a refund ASAP.

Thank you for your insightful feedback, we are improving our client service to eliminate such mistakes downwardly the road.


[ Agent'due south proper name ]

5. System downtime

Dear [ customer name ],

You might accept noticed our [ app/organisation/service ] had a minor turbulence today. Mea culpa! All the issues are already taken care of and information technology won't happen again.

Information technology'southward the first fourth dimension that a downtime occurred since nosotros launched and nosotros deeply regret this incident. Please, feel gratuitous to look through our full explanation published on our [ blog ].

Don't hesitate to contact our team once you come up with farther questions.

Accept a overnice one!

[ Agent's name ]

half dozen. Mass sorry for the inconvenience bulletin (after a downtime)

Dear [ customer name ],

I'thou hither to update you on our service downtime on [ date and time ]. Service was fully restored on [ time ].

I realize this is disappointing and have my amends for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please be informed that our team has been working really hard to resolve these incidents. [ Analyze incident details ].

As a token of apology, we are [ issuing you lot a discount of 10% for this calendar month's subscription/ free trial period/ free feature ]. If y'all feel this isn't plenty, please permit me know. We will hash out everything.

Have a great 24-hour interval,

[ Agent'southward name ]

7. Bug problem

Dear [ client name ],

Unfortunately, a game-breaking problems has slipped through our devs' hands recently. Delight, accept my sincerest apologies for the problem with [ insert your option ] y'all have been dealing with our product.

Our devs team has confirmed [ specify the consequence ] and they are working hard on resolving information technology.

We have prioritized this, and in some other 10 business days, this problems is completely fixed.

Client experience is our top-of-listen priority, so we will make sure we do thorough testing to avoid such issues in the future.

We practise understand the severity of the issue and the affect it might have on your business and would like to suggest a workaround until information technology is stock-still. Yous tin can try [ workaround ]. I hope this helps.

Experience free to [schedule a screen share session/ hop on a quick call to set everything up/ conversation with us].

Best regards,

[ Agent'due south name ]

eight. Late answer

Dear [ client name ],

Oops! Sad for the delayed reply. Mea culpa!

The thing is that [ explain why you are late ]. I think nosotros can bargain with the problem this way [ provide the solution ].

Ask me questions if need be!

All-time wishes,

[ Agent's proper name ]

9. Scheduled maintenance

Dear [ client name ],

Our team is scheduling maintenance on our [ servers/platform ] for [ engagement, time, and duration of the maintenance ]. Distressing for the inconvenience caused to you in this regard.

This maintenance is extremely essential because [ explicate the importance of the maintenance and benefits to customers ]. Then glad that you sympathize!

Thank y'all for being our customer.


[ Agent'south name ]

ten. Clarifying a trouble

Hullo [ customer name ],

Thank you for reaching out to us concerning [ the effect ]. Our team is already on it. We appreciate your patience.

Nosotros took efforts to understand the trouble. Though it persists. The actions taken were [ enlist the actions ].

To streamline the process, we will demand certain information from you lot. [ Enquire questions ].

Thank you for staying with usa. No doubts, we'll find the solution.

All-time wishes,

[ Amanuensis's name ]

Bottom line

Your "deplorable for the inconvenience" letters should be focused on ane mission: to win the client dorsum. To succeed in this try, give it one hundred and ten percent.

Every bit you tin can see, we didn't reinvent the bike in our scenarios, just ordinary words expressed in an offbeat manner. Retrieve the basics: call a client past name, be friendly, be specific, exist artistic in solutions. Plus, don't scatter your apologies with unsound statements. It's OK to ain mistakes.

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